Short Vowel Phonics Features
Short Vowel Phonics books are a supplement to a systematic phonics curriculum. The font size is easily readable to a young child's eyes. The font style, Pen Time manuscript, was chosen because it closely mimics the handwriting style most children are learning in penmanship class. The word variety in the stories insures that a child has repeated opportunities to practice the new phonetic concepts. Each book builds on the skills of the previous book. The positive stories can easily lead to further discussion. The series is available in a variety of formats.
Short Vowel Phonics 1 and 2 are unique early readers. The books are phonics controlled readers designed for kindergartners, 1st grade students, and struggling readers who have mastered sound-letter relationships and memorized a six non-phonetic words (a, as, has, his, is, the) and are now ready to practice decoding short vowel words with and without consonant blends and silent consonants. All letters of the alphabet are used in a book series with the exception of vowel "y". Pictures are specifically planned to engage the child, but do not encourage the child to use the picture to guess how to decode a word. In most of the stories the same vowel is used repetitively. The stories increase slowly in difficulty, so that, a child can most easily experience success and therefore increase his or her reading confidence. Available in library quality hard bound binding * and other formats.
Short Vowel Phonics 1 has 10 stories. Stories contain between 18 and 31 words.
Short Vowel Phonics 2 has 16 stories. The book introduces consonant blends and silent consonants. Stories contain between 33 to 75 words.
Short Vowel Phonics 3 introduces double consonants, “-ing” words (ring, sing etc.) and as a suffix. One additional non-phonetic sight words are added to the list: of. The six stories contain between 87 to 161 words. Five poems contain 29 to 34 words. Available in library quality hard bound binding* and other formats
Short Vowel Phonics 4 introduces consonant digraphs: ch, sh, th, wh. The book has five stories. Two additional non-phonetic sight words are added to the list: they, to. Longer stories are divided into sections so that each story or its division is between of 82 to 140 words in lengths. Two additional non-phonetic sight words are added to the list: they, to. Four of the five stories contain interesting factual details. Readers will experience map reading, a cultural tradition, the Maine shoreline and facts on Chad and canine rescue. Available in library quality hard bound binding* and other formats.
Short Vowel Phonics 5 joins short vowel words to make compound words and introduces short vowel words with kn, -nch, -nk, -tch, and vowel y. The book has six stories and three poems. Longer stories are divided into sections so that each reading selection is between 13 to 197 words. The book has the same non-phonetic sight words as in Short Vowel Phonics 4. Three stories contain factual details on fishing in Missouri, caring for chickens, and quilting. Available in library quality hard bound binding* and other formats
Short Vowel Phonics Short Stories is written for second to fourth graders who still need practice with short vowels and consonant blend (i.e. the reading level of Short Vowel Phonics 1 and 2 stories). The stories are in a “chapter book” format. Available in soft cover, CD site license, and home edition.
* Library bound books are also available through BWI/Follett Library Resources